Tuesday, 30 April 2013


Why to study in English language in Serbia? There are many reasons and advantages why to study in English in our country. Beside the fact that you will be better prepared for your worldwide career by speaking in English on a daily bases, you will also have the opportunity to study internationally recognised programme. There are people who hesitate whether to study abroad in English or to study at foreign university in Serbia. If you study abroad, you need to expect larger expenses, such as rent, food, transport, etc. However, if you study at foreign university in Serbia, it might be more cost-effective and you could have better students’ life. From mine point of view, if you have second thoughts about studying in English in Serbia or abroad, is to think carefully and calculate what are pros and cons of each decision. Some foreign universities in Serbia have the same rights and opportunities for students as students in a university’s home country. 

For example, I heard about London School of Commerce, Belgrade. It is an Associate College of the Cardiff Metropolitan University, where students from all over the world have the opportunity to study at any of their international campuses. I think that is the great opportunity for students to study in English language in Serbia and also to travel and study some modules in other campuses depending on their capabilities. In any case I am guided by the thought: ’’Why leave the country if you can get quality education in Serbia by studying in English language?’’. Therefore, I would suggest to you to search for all foreign universities located in Serbia and to look conditions and programmes so you can stay here in Serbia with your friends and family and to get quality international education in English. That is also useful for your career path and future success. 

MBA and MBA for Executives

The MBA (Master of Business Administration) is a postgraduate degree that is awarded to students who have mastered the study of business. The MBA degree is thought to be one of the most prestigious degrees in the world.

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a master's degree in Business Administration, an advanced college degree, earned by those who successfully graduate from their college or university's MBA programme. As with other advanced degrees, a student need to obtain a Bachelor’s degree, before working towards his or hers MBA. The core courses in the MBA programme are designed to introduce students to the various areas of business such as Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, Operations Management and others. Students in MBA programs have the opportunity to choose between several business courses throughout the programme or can select specific area of their studies.

The Master of Business Administration for Executives (MBAE) is a Master of Business Administration programme that specifically targets corporate executives and managers. The programme enables them to study and work towards earnings this business degree while continuing to hold their existing full-time jobs. MBAE students typically possess considerable work experience before entering the program. MBAE programs are made up of a mix of modules teaching on evenings and weekends, online tutorials and occasional full-day sessions. Since most of these executives are also working during the studies, they are in a better position to apply the management techniques and best practices learned in the classroom to real-life situations, as compared to traditional MBA programmes that are in graduate schools full-time.

Monday, 29 April 2013

London School of Commerce, Belgrade

London School of Commerce Belgrade je visoko edukativna ustanova i clan je grupe koledza London School of Commerce i School of Bussines and Law. Pored beogradskog i londonskog kampusa, postoji jos pet skola po svetu i to u Maleziji, Srilanci, Keniji, Bangladesu, Hon Kongu i Vijetnamu.

Vecina konkurentnih biznis skola i fakulteta u Srbiji, po zavrsetku studija nude sertifikate, koji nisu akreditovani od strane fakulteta.
Medjutim, to nije slucaj sa London School of Commerce. LSC je deo svetski poznatog i priznatog fakulteta Cardiff Metropolitan (CMU). Fakultet CMU ima 150 godina dugu tradiciju pruzanja obrazovanja u oblasti biznisa i menadzmenta. Cinjenica da je fakultet podrzan i od strane fondacije Princ Carls dokazuje vrednost ovog fakulteta u Velikoj Britaniji.

Godinama je glavni cilj CMU fakulteta bio da omoguci studentima visoko obrazovanje i pomogne im da razviju biznis orijentisano razmisljanje. To se zadrzalo i danas. Program je prilagodjen svim profilima, tako da shodno tome, LSC pored osnovnih studija tzv. Bachleror of Arts, nudi i mogucnost postizanja master zvanja i to u dve varijante - full time ili part time.
MBA part time ili MBA for Executives je prilagodjen ljudima u stalnom radnom odnosu. Nastava se odrzava vikendom u vecernjim terminima.

Ne kazu bez razloga da je studensko doba najbolji period zivota, tako da savrsen miks stranih i domacih predavaca ce buducim studentima omoguciti najbolje moguce iskustvo i kroz prakticne primere pripremiti ih kako da se snadju na konkurentnom trzistu.

Male grupe studenata omogucavaju nasim predavacima da se fokusiraju na svakog studnta za razliku od vecine drugih fakulteta, LSC moto pre svega je uvek bila kvalitet, a ne kvantitet.

Engleski jezik je prepoznat u celom svetu, tako da ce pohadjanje nastave na engleskom jezikuna na LSC-u nadograditi znanje buducim menadzerima i time im omoguciti vece sanse u poboljsanju njihove profesionalne karijere.

Uspeh je stanje naseg uma. Uspeh gradimo shodno svojim mogucnostima. Uspeh se gradi u drustvu uspesnih. Dozvolite sebi pravi izbor.