Sunday, 21 July 2013

Is studying an MBA a good investment?

It's hard work, expensive and it can deal a hammer blow to the toughest of management egos, but the master of business administration (MBA) continues to be one of the UK's most popular postgraduate programmes.

More than 8,000 new students enrolled at business schools in 2011 for courses accredited by the Association of MBAs. But if you are thinking of joining them in 2013, where should you start? Over the next few days, this series will guide you through the basics of MBAs, looking at the different courses on offer, how to apply, the cost and job prospects once you have graduated.

Fees at the top end are £57,500 for a two-year full-time MBA at the London Business School, or £33,000 for a two-year part-time executive MBA at the Cranfield School of Management in Bedford.

So the question has to be asked: is there a return on investment? Quantifying an MBA's value is an inexact science but the Alumni Perspectives Survey of 4,000 MBA graduates, conducted by the Graduate Management Admissions Council in 2012, claimed that, on average, respondents had recouped one third of the cost of their studies within a year of graduation and the degree had paid for itself in four years.

Some schools, such as the London Business School, publish information on post-MBA salaries. Its 2012 MBA employment report shows the median base salary for its graduates going into consulting was £74,000; for corporate sector jobs it was slightly lower at £70,000; and for jobs in the financial sector it was £65,000.

A few colleges and rankings attempt to demonstrate the value of an MBA in terms of salaries commanded three or five years after graduation. The downside is that it is hard to know what the ambitious individuals would have been earning without the degree.

A lot depends on the attitude of employers. Phil Dunne, a partner at AT Kearney, the global firm of management consultants, says an MBA is not just about the topics you learn, but the people you meet and the networks you create. "We find graduates are equipped with very relevant, broad-based, team-oriented, problem-solving skills," he says.

Sarah Hernon, a principal consultant for Right Management, part of the ManpowerGroup, says encouraging "high-value staff" to do master's qualifications can be a creative way for employers to retain them when restructuring has reduced promotion prospects."An MBA makes people more marketable," she says.

But she adds a warning: "Working evenings and weekends is a huge commitment. But if you can get through it, the return on investment is vast."

Source: Liz Lightfoot,, January 2013

Monday, 24 June 2013

MBA for Executives doprinosi vašoj karijeri!

MBA for Executives program može znatno da doprinese vašoj karijeri. Programi su prilagođeni zaposlenima tako da studenti mogu da pohađaju nastavu, a pritom da ne ugrožavaju norme radnog vremena u svojoj firmi. Ovaj program priprema mlade ljude menadžmentu i liderstvu i omogućava im napredovanje na više pozicije u firmi. Diploma koja se stiče namenjena je ljudima koji već imaju određeno radno iskustvo i praksu u privredi. Trajanje može biti od 12 do 18 meseci, u zavisnosti od programa. MBA for Executives program uključuje module koji se tiču poslovanja, finansija, marketinga i menadžmenta u različitim poslovnim sektorima. Diploma MBA for Executives programa pomaže mladim ljudima da steknu potrebne poslovne veštine i učvrste svoju profesionalnu karijeru. Nebitno da li imate ili ne završen stepen master studija savetujem vam da upišete i MBA studije. Poslodavci kako u Srbiji tako i u inostranstvu vrednuju MBA diplomu kao potrebno znanje i veštine za poslovanje i razvoj buduće karijere.

Pronašla sam spisak MBA studija u Srbiji na adresi MBA Srbija. Verujem da može da vam pomogne da odlučite koji program biste upisali. Srećno!

Monday, 27 May 2013

Jobs that you can get with a college diploma

Although most of the higher paying jobs require a university degree these days, there are still some entry-level positions that you can apply for by just having your high school diploma. Many stores, restaurants, tourist services, and even some government jobs that offer on-the-spot training simply require that you have a college degree.

You can generally find work in restaurants as wait staff, hostess positions, and kitchen staff with a high school diploma. With relevant experience you might even be able to qualify for a raise and/or a managerial position. Store clerk positions don’t always necessitate a college degree so this is something to consider as well.

In jobs that offer onsite training, you can generally use your college diploma to achieve employment. This is particularly true in vocations that require truck driving, factory work, and manual labour. There are even some school districts that look for substitute teachers with a college diploma, although having a university degree might make you more marketable.

Trades such as electricity, automotive work, home health aides, and maintenance workers usually want at least a high school diploma, but they also have the added incentive of training their employees so having a college degree to find employment in these fields isn’t always a requirement.

There are very few jobs nowadays that don’t at least require a diploma. Therefore, earning widely recognised university certificate is almost mandatory. It’s the first step in the right direction to finding yourself a job that’s not only stable, but offers you a wage that will provide you with a quality way of life.

Monday, 13 May 2013


You have probably experienced transition period between high school and BA studies. Moreover, we all assume that first year of studies is the hardest and who has the ability to pass it, he or she will go throughout entire studies. During the high school we had to have classes every day, yet university allows us to organize our time more effective.
What can help you to get used to BA studies efficiently?  

Be active at lectures. Take notes during the lecturers. If you do not understand some part of lecture, ask your professor to explain it, do not be shy. Do not talk during the lecturers with other colleagues, contrarily you need to listen, that is the way how you can easily learn new contents.

Take a look at daily notes. When you have spare time, revise your notes. In that way you will refresh the content from that day and you will need less time to prepare for future exam. 

Write down questions. Take your time to write down unclear terms at lecture and then you can ask your professor to give you an answer. Do not be afraid to learn more than it is necessary because that can be very beneficial for the future.

Do your homework. Homework can help you to understand better contents and in that way you can gain better work habits.

Get prepared for the lectures. Bring with you everything you need for the lecture (book, notebook, pencil, etc.). That means that you must have everything you need so you can be involved in the lecture process.

Learn, learn, learn. The best way of learning is to learn on regular basis. Make a schedule when you learn each module. Revise your knowledge before the exam by yourself or ask someone to help you out with it.

Be persistent. If you cannot understand contents do not be discouraged. Just be persistent, learn step by step, ask your colleagues or friends for help and eventually you will learn how to be focused on that content.
Be brave and persistent! Organize your time so you can learn better and do not be ashamed to ask for help. Stand up for yourself during the BA studies to get as more knowledge and practical skills as you can, which will be useful for you in your future business life. Go for BA studies now! Good luck!

What can I do with the diploma?

When you earn a diploma, you are receiving documented proof of your education achievements. Once you have that diploma in hand, you can use it for a variety of purposes. Some people earn their diploma for personal satisfaction and achievement. Others earn their diploma so that they can then turn around and enroll in a college or university for higher education purposes. These days, competition for jobs is fierce and it is becoming increasingly necessary to possess a well known diploma.

With a diploma, you will find that you have an advantage over those without a diploma in many entry-level positions. In addition, most jobs nowadays are requiring that their employees have a high school diploma as a minimum requirement so having a diploma is not only good, but necessary.
Later on, you might want to use your diploma as a stepping off point to enrolling in a community college, technical or vocational school, or university. Having a degree will make you even more attractive to potential employers and earning your high school diploma is the first step in this process.

Whether you are choosing to earn your diploma for personal reasons or professional ones, the diploma itself is proof that you have taken your education into your own hands and committed to the requirements that it took to earn it. That, within itself, is a huge feat and something that you should be very proud of.

Should I study a Masters or MBA programme?

One of the most frequently asked questions that appears on’s online forums, from graduates deciding which move to take next, is “Should I study an MBA or a Masters degree?” Essentially, an MBA is a ‘post-experience’ qualification in general management. An MBA usually requires three or more years of work experience, although it most common for MBA students to have four to eight years. Executive MBA (EMBA) courses, are targeted at those with executive experience, usually ten or more years.

Although some business schools offer specialist MBA courses, the vast majority of MBA courses stress the general nature of education, in order to give students a holistic overview of how businesses work. As a result, an MBA graduate will emerge from their program with knowledge of several core subjects including marketing, strategy, leadership, entrepreneurship, operations, and human resources.

Results from the QS Applicant Survey 2009, have shown that the number of young people interested in a business education is increasing, especially in the developing economies of Asia. Business schools have responded to this trend, and have created courses, designed for those with less professional experience. Masters courses are targeted at immediate graduates and those who do not necessarily have work experience.

MBA coursest, tend to focus on teamwork, lots of contribution in class, learning from peers and networking and communication skills. In this sense the professor often takes a hands-off approach, encouraging students’ debates, guiding them towards problems rather than providing conclusions. Thus, allowing students to make and then more importantly, learn from their own mistakes.

Tuesday, 30 April 2013


Why to study in English language in Serbia? There are many reasons and advantages why to study in English in our country. Beside the fact that you will be better prepared for your worldwide career by speaking in English on a daily bases, you will also have the opportunity to study internationally recognised programme. There are people who hesitate whether to study abroad in English or to study at foreign university in Serbia. If you study abroad, you need to expect larger expenses, such as rent, food, transport, etc. However, if you study at foreign university in Serbia, it might be more cost-effective and you could have better students’ life. From mine point of view, if you have second thoughts about studying in English in Serbia or abroad, is to think carefully and calculate what are pros and cons of each decision. Some foreign universities in Serbia have the same rights and opportunities for students as students in a university’s home country. 

For example, I heard about London School of Commerce, Belgrade. It is an Associate College of the Cardiff Metropolitan University, where students from all over the world have the opportunity to study at any of their international campuses. I think that is the great opportunity for students to study in English language in Serbia and also to travel and study some modules in other campuses depending on their capabilities. In any case I am guided by the thought: ’’Why leave the country if you can get quality education in Serbia by studying in English language?’’. Therefore, I would suggest to you to search for all foreign universities located in Serbia and to look conditions and programmes so you can stay here in Serbia with your friends and family and to get quality international education in English. That is also useful for your career path and future success. 

MBA and MBA for Executives

The MBA (Master of Business Administration) is a postgraduate degree that is awarded to students who have mastered the study of business. The MBA degree is thought to be one of the most prestigious degrees in the world.

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a master's degree in Business Administration, an advanced college degree, earned by those who successfully graduate from their college or university's MBA programme. As with other advanced degrees, a student need to obtain a Bachelor’s degree, before working towards his or hers MBA. The core courses in the MBA programme are designed to introduce students to the various areas of business such as Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, Operations Management and others. Students in MBA programs have the opportunity to choose between several business courses throughout the programme or can select specific area of their studies.

The Master of Business Administration for Executives (MBAE) is a Master of Business Administration programme that specifically targets corporate executives and managers. The programme enables them to study and work towards earnings this business degree while continuing to hold their existing full-time jobs. MBAE students typically possess considerable work experience before entering the program. MBAE programs are made up of a mix of modules teaching on evenings and weekends, online tutorials and occasional full-day sessions. Since most of these executives are also working during the studies, they are in a better position to apply the management techniques and best practices learned in the classroom to real-life situations, as compared to traditional MBA programmes that are in graduate schools full-time.

Monday, 29 April 2013

London School of Commerce, Belgrade

London School of Commerce Belgrade je visoko edukativna ustanova i clan je grupe koledza London School of Commerce i School of Bussines and Law. Pored beogradskog i londonskog kampusa, postoji jos pet skola po svetu i to u Maleziji, Srilanci, Keniji, Bangladesu, Hon Kongu i Vijetnamu.

Vecina konkurentnih biznis skola i fakulteta u Srbiji, po zavrsetku studija nude sertifikate, koji nisu akreditovani od strane fakulteta.
Medjutim, to nije slucaj sa London School of Commerce. LSC je deo svetski poznatog i priznatog fakulteta Cardiff Metropolitan (CMU). Fakultet CMU ima 150 godina dugu tradiciju pruzanja obrazovanja u oblasti biznisa i menadzmenta. Cinjenica da je fakultet podrzan i od strane fondacije Princ Carls dokazuje vrednost ovog fakulteta u Velikoj Britaniji.

Godinama je glavni cilj CMU fakulteta bio da omoguci studentima visoko obrazovanje i pomogne im da razviju biznis orijentisano razmisljanje. To se zadrzalo i danas. Program je prilagodjen svim profilima, tako da shodno tome, LSC pored osnovnih studija tzv. Bachleror of Arts, nudi i mogucnost postizanja master zvanja i to u dve varijante - full time ili part time.
MBA part time ili MBA for Executives je prilagodjen ljudima u stalnom radnom odnosu. Nastava se odrzava vikendom u vecernjim terminima.

Ne kazu bez razloga da je studensko doba najbolji period zivota, tako da savrsen miks stranih i domacih predavaca ce buducim studentima omoguciti najbolje moguce iskustvo i kroz prakticne primere pripremiti ih kako da se snadju na konkurentnom trzistu.

Male grupe studenata omogucavaju nasim predavacima da se fokusiraju na svakog studnta za razliku od vecine drugih fakulteta, LSC moto pre svega je uvek bila kvalitet, a ne kvantitet.

Engleski jezik je prepoznat u celom svetu, tako da ce pohadjanje nastave na engleskom jezikuna na LSC-u nadograditi znanje buducim menadzerima i time im omoguciti vece sanse u poboljsanju njihove profesionalne karijere.

Uspeh je stanje naseg uma. Uspeh gradimo shodno svojim mogucnostima. Uspeh se gradi u drustvu uspesnih. Dozvolite sebi pravi izbor.